I’m Engaged!! 💍


This is O B V I O U S L Y long overdue, but better late than never!! We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of my engagement to Tariq Ali Cayne, and in writing up my blog post about the wedding party proposal boxes that I lovingly put together last month, I realized that I hadn’t even posted about being engaged 🙈

I have so many drafts that never got posted y’all don’t even know. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve struggled with my self confidence all my life. My blog gets stuck on periodic hiatus’ because I didn’t think anyone wanted to hear from me, especially when so many bloggers do this for a living (and do it sooo much better and more regularly than I can be bothered to). BUT as my dad says, “don’t make perfect the enemy of good”. And so, the new and improved COVID-era Kelly Rose has arrived. She mentors people and works two jobs and writes decent blogs sometimes and decorates her HOUSE that she bought with her FIANCÉ and generally does a lot of things that younger Kelly would hope for but could never see herself doing. She does not give a care whether the algorithm likes her stuff or not, because she now knows that its more important she enjoys doing things than it is that she gets likes for doing them. Her sister and Maid of Honor has also encouraged her to get back into her hobbies, one of which is writing, soooo here we are. And thus, without further ado, please enjoy my did-that-myself engagement announcement photos from January 💖


My ring is a bespoke design from Anna Sheffield who I will be getting my wedding bands (yes, plural) from, and would 10/10 recommend.

Until next time,


- Kelly Rose